Tool @ American Airlines Center, Dallas, TX

Words and photos by Scott Rowe
Tool brought the second leg of their Fear Inoculum Tour, which was initially postponed by yep, you guessed it, COVID-19. I really wanted to say Frank Stallone, but I'm sure only a few people with random 1990's Saturday Night Live knowledge would get the Norm Macdonald reference. Once COVID took over the world, it also took over the live music industry, and Tool was no exception. But when the dust settled and one sees a light at the tunnel, the music will live again. Live again it did at the AAC. Continuing to tour off an album that's over two and a half years old might seem like a tall task, but I remember seeing Tool for the first time and their latest album (at that time) was nearly a decade old, i.e. 10,000 Days in 2016. Regardless, the foursome knows how to entertain with both a visual and an auditory experience.

When it comes to putting on a show, Tool follows a simple rule of knowing what their fans want. They want the music that is synonymous with the name Tool, a psychedelic-rock experience that far exceeds their expectations, even though those expectations are in the clouds. They want the visual aspect that matches its auditory counterpart, a kaleidoscope of imagery that completes the experience in the best way possible. While I was only in attendance for the first song of this particular show (photo restrictions), I'm well aware of the performance this band can produce. I keep using the word 'experience' and that's exactly what it is. It's an all-encompassing affair that leaves you wanting more and enjoying what you just witnessed.

Photos of the show are below:

Tool @ American Airlines Center, Dallas, TX Tool @ American Airlines Center, Dallas, TX Reviewed by Scott Rowe, Editor on February 02, 2022 Rating: 5
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