Pictures by Duane Clawson, words and video by Scott
This particular day started just after 2am, as I made my way to St. Louis for a friend's wedding. Unbeknownst to me, Duane, my St. Louis contributor, had plans for covering a show that night and he invited me to go. With no intentions on attending any show while I was in St. Louis, how could I resist the chance to cover a show in a city I have never seen a show in?? I couldn't, plain and simple. I jumped at the chance, as Duane and I, have yet been to the modestly-sized venue, which reminded me of Norman, OK's Opolis, at Cicero's and it would be an adventure for both of us.
As we waited entry into Cicero's venue space, Miss Little passed through us as she was searching for a dressing area. Unknown to me was just about everything about Miss Little, as my only information was found on Wikipedia on my trip on various highways and interstates; please note, I was not driving while I was browsing the web. Don't do that. But as Duane and I found our seats and grabbed the coolest of beverages, I was surprised by the moxie of the petite Little. Full of modesty and sincerity, Sharon was especially grateful to the modest crowd at Cicero's, most of which caught her while she toured with Robert Plant and Alison Krauss. But the pint-sized songbird had anything but a tiny voice, as she belted out some very soulful and emotional vocals during her 45-minute set. Her music is quite diverse, as some songs could be mistaken as pure pop goodness while others edged on blues and country. With the help of an acoustic guitar, her set was rather stripped down but none of the music was missed as her vocals made the mood of each song and she made sure that you felt how the song was meant to be heard. I was quite impressed with her set and she made a fan of me that night, even though she did point Duane and I out for taking photos of her performance. I would definitely catch her, especially if she is playing at an intimate venue, as you can really feel her music and its emotion. Photos and a video of the show are below:
Sharon Little @ Cicero's, St. Louis, MO
Reviewed by Scott Rowe, Editor
November 21, 2011