It has been the Tour de Bucketlist over here at MTC MAG. In January, I got to shoot one of my all-time favorite bands in KISS in Durant, OK. February saw AC/DC, complete with Brian Johnson, at the American Airlines Center. While I have seen quite a few bands since February, I would be hard-pressed to find an artist that embodies the bucketlist tag. It wasn't until the Cure descended upon Dallas that I found another artist worthy of being on my bucketlist. As a child of the 1980's, I grew up with the synth sounds of many new waves bands, but the Cure was neither 100% rock and, by all means, not new wave. I have read the term dark wave to describe the Cure and it's rather fitting. While the sounds of new wave are typically progressive and chill, the Cure adds a touch of gloom to the mix, plucking at your heartstrings in the most fun way possible.
In my glorious 33 years of existence, I have yet to see the Cure. My wife has seen them twice before this show, a fact she likes to point at whenever given the chance. Having secured out tickets months ago, I pushed off submitting a photo request, as I imagined the denial email I would receive. But low and behold, the camera gods answered my call. After my three songs were through and I found my seat next to my wife, I got to take in all the sights and sounds of some of the 80's best musical works. When a crowd of 19,000 belts out every line to "Just Like Heaven", it's a pretty magical experience. It gives you goosebumps. This show had songs from all points of their extensive catalog, though they did leave some fans unhappy with no performance of "Friday I'm in Love". But nonetheless, Dallas was treated to nearly three hours of melancholy pop music, a marathon set for any band. And if the band would have played for six hours, the fans at the American Airlines Center would have stayed for the entire show. Photos of the show are below:
The Cure @ American Airlines Center, Dallas, TX
Reviewed by Scott Rowe, Editor
May 18, 2016