It was off to Le Poisson Rouge this past Saturday for another installment of Radio Happy Hour. This month's guest actors were Craig Finn and Tad Kubler of the Hold Steady and pop culture columnist Chuck Klosterman; this was the first time that the show had three guest actors. "Stabbed in the Ascot" took place at the Ascot Bar in a small town in Minnesota, where a blizzard was in full effect. Stranded by the inclement weather, brothers Craig Finn and Tad Kubler, accompanied by their mom (Robin Reed) and step-father (Klosterman), joined the bartender/owner (Sam Osterhout) and lonely local (Matt Shibiak). The shenanigans ensued with Finn and Kubler making adolescent jokes, Shibiak making inappropriate comments/questions and Klosterman talking about his sexual encounters with his wife; it was quite funny. Of course, the story revolved a murder in which everyone was a suspect, though humor reigned supreme during the entire skit. It was another fantastic screenplay, produced by Dustin L. Nelson and Massoumeh Emami. and hosted by the fabulous Sam Osterhout. The show was complete with two Hold Steady songs performed acoustically by Finn and Kubler:
Radio Happy Hour w/ Craig Finn and Tad Kubler (of THS) and Chuck Klosterman @ Le Poisson Rouge
Reviewed by Scott Rowe, Editor
November 16, 2009