Photos: Homegrown Music & Arts Festival @ Main Street Garden Park, Dallas, TX

It's been pretty amazing how fast the music scene in Dallas has not only grown in the past few years, but how it's boomed into a destination.  National tours are rarely skipping over DFW these days for the likes of Austin or Houston (mostly, it sometimes still happens).  There are quality shows happening all over the city every night of the week.  Festivals out the wazoo.  Sounds like a lot to take in (believe me, it is) but it really shows you all that Dallas has to offer.  There is no better case than the Homegrown Festival that occurs deep in the heart of downtown Dallas.  Amid the tall structures of the city, a small plot of green becomes a haven for music and art fans alike.  In its fourth year, the festival has grown into an established, respected event, not only in the immediate DFW area, but in the State of Texas.  Pulling in acts like the amazing Divine Fits, alongside local flavors in the crazy good A.Dd+, the electric performance of Somebody's Darling, the always fun Polyphonic Spree, and the dynamic Relatives, the festival is a one-stop shop for all things music.  All things Texas music.  And with another year in the books, one cannot wait until next year's event.  Photos of the festival are below (with videos still in the works):

Madison King
J. Charles & the Trainrobbers
The Tontons
Quiet Company
The Burning Hotels
The O's
Somebody's Darling
The Band of Heathens
Larry g(EE)
The Relatives
The Polyphonic Spree
Divine Fits
Photos: Homegrown Music & Arts Festival @ Main Street Garden Park, Dallas, TX Photos: Homegrown Music & Arts Festival @ Main Street Garden Park, Dallas, TX Reviewed by Scott Rowe, Editor on May 17, 2013 Rating: 5
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