Pictures and words by Duane Clawson
I have recently been given the opportunity to share with you some of my recent experiences attending some, in my opinion, excellent music performances. So sit back, relax, and grab a tasty beverage and let us begin our musical adventure. My first show review will be of the Reverend Horton Heat and Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band at the Old Rock House in St. Louis; this was my first venture to the Rock House. I arrived around 7:45 just as the place was starting to fill up. My buddy Ken and I found our way to the balcony where I broke out my camera as Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band took the stage around 8:05. Reverend Peyton's sermon begins with a three piece band, Breezy on washboard, Aaron "Cuz" Persinger on drums, and Josh (Reverend) on various guitars. From the beginning notes of the Bean Blossom, Indiana natives, I knew this was something different; the RPBDB sound is a cross between Mississippi Blues and Alternative Country. During the RPBDB set we navigated to the main floor where I eventually wound up with a perch right in front of the Reverend himself. The Reverend at times appears on stage to be having a religious experience himself. His facial expressions are extension of the music he is producing. The RPBDB is a tight, well polished unit that is not to be missed. Highlights of the 50 minute set were: "Mama's Fried Potato's", "Sure Feels Like Rain", and "Clap Your Hands". My favorite moment from their performance was during the song "2 Bottles" when Breezy lit her washboard on fire.
After about a 40-minute tear down of the stage it was time for the Reverend Horton Heat who opened up the evening's festivities with "Marijuana". The RHH band consists of Jim (Reverend) Heath on guitar, Jim (Jimbo) Wallace on stand up bass, and Paul Simmons on drums. During the show, the Reverend mentioned that this is their 25th year of touring. Throughout the show, all of the band members took time out to make eye contact with audience members and made everyone feel like they were part of the show. The RHH played an hour and half long set (see setlist below). One addition to the setlist was a great rendition of "Liquor, Beer and Wine"; a personal fave and high school staple of Scott's. In September of 2010 I attended a RHH show in Dayton, Ohio but the St. Louis performance was much improved, not that the Dayton show was bad but it lacked an overall feel and crowd interaction. The evening ended with "Big Red Rocket of Love"/ "Folsom Prison Blues" which only left you wanting more. Among the many highlights of the evening was the Reverend climbing atop Jimbo's bass and playing there for about a minute. Song highlights included "400 Bucks", "Please don't Take the Baby to the Liquor Store", "Calling in Twisted", and "Folsom Prison Blues". After the show all of the band members were accessible and I even scored a picture with the Reverend and an autograph. Just as math is requirement in school, a RHH show should be a requirement in life. I hope you enjoyed my first article and I hope to write many more in the future. Please enjoy the show photos as much as I enjoyed taking them:
Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band
Reverend Horton Heat
Contributed by Duane Clawson
Reverend Horton Heat / Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band @ The Old Rock House, St. Louis
Reviewed by Scott Rowe, Editor
May 09, 2011