Patrick Sweany @ Old Rock House, St. Louis

Words and photos by Duane Clawson
Some musicians are just going through motions, but Patrick Sweany will be the first to tell you, he’s “Workin' for You”!

Mr. Sweany has been on my radar for the past couple of years. I heard his music first, strangely enough, through pictures. Local photographer, Nate Burrell, did some promo work for Patrick and his series of photos made me curious about the music. Once you dive into the music there is an underlying story that defines the vibe. Although not a household name, he has held the position of leader of The Patrick Sweany Band since 2001. Working with such names as Dan Auerbach from The Black Keys, and, in fact, Auerbach was once his bandmate. In 2006, Sweany signed with Nine Mile Records to release C'Mon C'Mere. The album was co-produced by Auerbach and Jimbo Mathus from Squirrel Nut Zippers.

Some 17 years later, Sweany is still grinding away doing his brand of music justice from every angle. His brand of music you ask? If Tom Petty had a blues baby, you would have Patrick Sweany! Earthy, real, and honest would best describe his persona, on and off stage. Sweany takes note in a sessions interview on YouTube, that his notoriety is due in part being associated with The Black Keys through Spotify and Pandora. Hey, if the technology works, run with it. Currently hyping his new album, Ancient Noise, Sweany made St. Louis the final stop on a small string of March dates. Lucky to see him live? You bet I was!

Thanks to Patrick Sweany for inviting MTC MAG into his world and Old Rock House for being a most gracious host!

Photos of the show are below:

Contributed by Duane Clawson
Patrick Sweany @ Old Rock House, St. Louis Patrick Sweany @ Old Rock House, St. Louis Reviewed by Scott Rowe, Editor on April 07, 2018 Rating: 5
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