Photos: The Polyphonic Spree's Holiday Extravaganza @ Lakewood Theater, Dallas, TX

Here's a belated Christmas gift for you all.  Over the holidays, my computer crashed and I lost everything embedded on said computer.  I thought all my pics from the Polyphonic Spree's Holiday Extravaganza were lost forever.  It wasn't until late last week that I found a copy of the photos on my work computer.  Hooray!!  I was extremely pleased to have found them as I took a ton of pictures and there were some really great moments in them.  So, without further ado, here is what transpired at Lakewood Theater on December 10th, 2011 (including a handful of videos I took during both sets):

Photos: The Polyphonic Spree's Holiday Extravaganza @ Lakewood Theater, Dallas, TX Photos:  The Polyphonic Spree's Holiday Extravaganza @ Lakewood Theater, Dallas, TX Reviewed by Scott Rowe, Editor on January 30, 2012 Rating: 5
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